
Another word for many years sentence in prison
Another word for many years sentence in prison

another word for many years sentence in prison

| Grover got caught for not paying his taxes and was sent to jail. | The strikers were harassed, beaten and put in jail for trespassing. | 58% of prisoners are in jail for non-violent crimes. | He was taken to a cell in the Los Angeles County Jail. ▪ jail a prison, or a similar smaller building where prisoners are kept for a short time: This old building is the jail that Butch Cassidy escaped from in 1887. ▪ prison a large building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime or while they are waiting to go to court for their trial: He was sentenced to five years in prison. ▪ the prison population (=all the prisoners in a country) The government wants to reduce the size of the prison population. ▪ a prison cell (=a room where a prisoner lives) Overcrowding means that many prisoners have to share a prison cell. ▪ a prison officer/official/warder/guard Last month, a prisoner attacked two prison officers with a knife.

another word for many years sentence in prison

▪ a prison sentence/term (=a period of time in prison as a punishment) He is serving a four-year prison sentence. ▪ a maximum security prison He was sent to a maximum security prison where prisoners are kept in their cells almost 23 hours a day. ▪ an open prison (=one where prisoners are not restricted as much as usual) He was transferred to an open prison. ▪ escape from (a) prison Blake escaped from a Missouri prison last year. ▪ come/get out of prison The boy just come out of prison after doing two years for assault. ▪ let somebody out of prison When's he going to be let out of prison? ▪ be released from prison He was released from prison six weeks ago. ▪ send somebody to prison I was afraid I might get sent to prison. ▪ put somebody in prison Mentally ill people should not be put in prison. ▪ go to prison She went to prison for theft. an unpleasant place or situation which it is difficult to escape from: the system that deals with keeping people in a prison:ĭoes prison deter criminals from offending again?ģ. ► Do not say ‘the prison’ unless you are referring to a particular building: She was sent to prison. Mr Gunn received a ten year prison sentence. Three terrorists escaped from Brixton Prison.Īn increase in the number of women going to prison The two men were arrested only a week after they were released from prison.

another word for many years sentence in prison

Helen was sent to prison for attacking a man with a knife. They’ll probably put him in prison for a long time. Ricky has been out of prison for three years now.

#Another word for many years sentence in prison trial#

a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime, or while they are waiting to go to court for their ↑ trial SYN jail ⇨ prisoner, imprison: Lors de son arrivée dans l'établissement pénitentiaire pour exécuter une peine d'emprisonnement, le détenu doit être informé de ses droits et des moyens de les protéger, ainsi que de ses obligations.Pris‧ on /ˈprɪz ən/ 'British English' 'American English' nounġ. Upon arrival to serve a prison sentence, the incarcerated individual must be informed of his/her rights, the methods for protection thereof and obligations. Pour purger une peine de prison ou de détention provisoire, ou To serve a prison sentence, or to enforce preventive detention, or Il s'inquiète aussi de ce que cette lenteur permette aux hommes de purger une peine de prison au lieu de payer la pension alimentaire. The Committee is also concerned that such a lengthy process allows men to serve a prison sentence instead of paying maintenance. Tout condamné (ou membre de sa famille proche) peut demander à être transféré vers une autre institution pour y purger une peine d'emprisonnement la décision concernant ce transfert est prise par le Directeur général de l'Administration pénitentiaire. Il va continuer de purger une peine d'emprisonnement.Ī convict or their close family members may request a transfer to another institution to serve a prison sentence the decision on the transfer is taken by the director-general of the Prison Administration. He will continue to serve a prison sentence.

Another word for many years sentence in prison